minimal space, t2

minimal space, t2

Sample Lifestyle

Mr. Sho Daidoji
Introduction by

SUS CorporationMr.Sho Daidoji

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Floor plan
Elevation view

We asked SUS employee Sho Daidoji about life inside t2

Mr. Daidoji, when did you start living in t2?

I started living there in May 2013.

Was there a reason behind living in t2?

I lived there to verify the residential quality of the t2 unit.

How was it to actually live there?

I didn't have any problems living day to day.The humidity bothered me slightly during the rainy season, but it was manageable with the dehumidifier setting on the air conditioner or by installing humidity control wallpaper.
There is no worry that indoor sounds would be heard outside or even in the next room.

People have the impression that the t2 unit is quite compact. How is it really?

Certainly compared to normal-sized apartments you can't say they're very spacious.
However, the size of the t2 unit gave me the opportunity to rethink my lifestyle as my awareness refocused on my surroundings.And gradually it generated a sense of ownership within me, to "build my life with my own hands."
Until then I lived in an apartment with sufficient space to live on my own, so I did not have to be too conscientious. I stored purchased items just enough to avoid clutter, with furniture, such as tables, filling the empty spaces.
However, by moving from the apartment to the t2 unit, my passive stance towards room usage became more proactive.
"I want to relax comfortably on the bed." "I want to spend a relaxing morning by the window." "I want to use the kitchen table as a work space." In order to transform such thoughts into reality, one must inevitably figure out how to utilize the limited space in the unit.

Some people may worry that there is little room for storage. How is it in reality?

I possess many books and toiletries (daily-use products), so I understand perfectly where they're coming from.
However, when we ask ourselves whether having many possessions will enrich our lives, that is not always the case.For example, do you find yourself buying items that you don't really need but might use someday, simply because there is plenty of storage space? Maybe your living space is being consumed by such accumulated purchases.
Imagine your room prior to purchase, then ask yourself, "Does this item fit the room layout?" "Should I change the room layout to suit the item?" Doing this will ensure you purchase fewer items.
Life with fewer possessions provides you the opportunity to think about simplicity.

Can you give me any tips about how you managed storage space?

Free-standing furniture consumes space and makes the room feel cramped, so I used a hanging wall storage similar to a peg board.
t2 is compatible with our company's aluminum frame fastening system. So I used this system to install my homemade cabinet, and currently use this.Since these DIY type extensions are possible, I feel that t2 is capable of fully addressing storage demands.

Do you have any advice or a few words for those considering a purchase?

At first glance, an aluminum room may seem inorganic or cold.
However, it is a basic, generic build that fits various lifestyles, from minimalist living to a pursuit of practicality similar to the Shakers.
I hope that by combining t2 and the fastening system, you too can share in the enjoyment of letting ideas take shape and customizing them.

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